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My dad often tells me what he saw on the surface of the world. Before meeting Mom he was a merchant and he had the chance to go wherever he wanted without being hassled. I have never seen anything other than Pahyn since I was born but I would like to see the surface too.

Dad told me some great things about up there, the sky is big and blue, the sun shines brightly and warms everything. He says it's like a magical place, with trees so tall they touch the clouds, flowers of all colors, and animals running and flying everywhere. What he likes best is talking to me about the oceans, with their deep waters and gigantic waves that shine like crystal. When he talks to me about it I have the impression that he is a little sad, I don't know why.

He also told me about the people up there. He says there are so many strange people, with different faces, bodies and clothes, from all corners of the world. Some wear clothes of all colors while others are like shadows. Some of these creatures are very friendly, while others are dangerous. There are some who can fly in the sky and others who talk with animals! In any case, Dad says that up there, it's like living in a fairy tale, where every moment is a new adventure.

But sometimes dad talks to me about sadder things for the people upstairs. He said that even though they live in a beautiful world, their hearts are black and sad, they are not free like us. They often have to work very hard all day, without ever having a rest and if they refuse the Khodas come and beat them and no one can beat them. It makes me a little sad to think of these people having to do what the Khoda tell them, but not being able to live their lives the way they want. We also work hard here to survive but at least we do it for ourselves, I still prefer that!

Dad also told me about a place even higher than the surface. He said this is the house of Khoda, again after the clouds where the sky becomes their home. It's so high that even birds can't fly there and no one is allowed to go there. Sometimes the Khodas go downstairs but no one can go up to the top according to Dad. I wonder why they don't want people to come to their house? Maybe they have a secret? Or maybe it's not well arranged in the sky, I don't know?

Besides, the Khoda don't like the Hayula much like us, it's forbidden for us to go to the surface, we have to stay here in our house underground. Dad says it's because of our stupid things before, the old ones made some really big mistakes and made a mess of things. The gods were very angry and didn't like what we did so we are punished. They don't want to see us up there anymore. Even dad doesn't really know what happened but in any case he says that it's deserved for us and that when we do stupid things it always ends badly. But he also says that maybe one day they will forgive us. That maybe one day we too will have the right to go up to the top.

I would love to go there. Seeing the sun shine brightly, running in the grass and swimming in the ocean. Meet all these funny people and even make peace with the Khoda!

1 comment

  • Martinez marvin

    Salut, tout d’abord félicitations pour ton travail et pour la concrétisation de tes projets, je trouve l’idée trop cool, je suit depuis longtemps tes illustrations en poster avec beaucoup d’admiration, on reconnais ton style du premier coup d’œil donc encore bravo, maintenant je vais suivre attentivement le projet cartes, de ce que j’ai déjà lu du lore, l’univers m’intéresse énormément donc c’est avec impatience que j’ai envie d’en savoir plus, donc j’attends attentivement mon premier deck,
    Bonne continuation pour le projet, je te souhaite que les bonnes idées de scénario fuse dans ta tête ^^

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